Archdiocesan Housing Authority - Holden Street Family Housing

Holden Street Family Housing

Holden Street Family Housing is a low-income housing project sponsored by several local civic government agencies. The 16-unit project was constructed in West Seattle in a Steep Slope Critical Area, as categorized by the City of Seattle. Our engineers completed a geotechnical design and analysis for the site, including a geotechnical investigation, geohazards identification and analysis, and critical areas impact review.

Approximately half of the property had steep slopes. Our analysis of the site conditions and City of Seattle code indicated that the most efficient method to develop the site was by making cuts into the base of the slope for the structures. This approach required two rows of 15-foot-high walls. Our value engineering indicated that concrete block walls could be used for the project.

Services provided: Geotechnical Engineering; Geohazard Mapping and Analysis; Subsurface Investigations; Value Engineering
